Sparkle In The Deep: Starseed Multimedia

Starseed Missions



Have you ever felt that you have failed in your mission? Have you ever felt compelled to do something, but have no idea what it might be? Sparkle In The Deep dives into the mission of a starseed.    References: “Star seeds especially feel as if they should be doing something which very often is not found within ordinary life. Many struggle to find what these missions are and so there is much frustration and even depression. They feel as if they are here to do something special but do not know what this is. Very often star seeds are humble and cannot imagine that they could be helping and serving in profound ways.” I will have a link for you below.   “Starseeds are usually sent here to complete a type of mission, or they may have personally chosen to be here for a specific purpose. These missions or purposes are usually based around helping all beings and introducing new levels of consciousness to earth’s humans, animals, and sentient creatures.”http://www.paow