In Bed With Dr Sue

Sex Worker Safety



Too often we become far too complacent with both our online and offline safety. We can get sucked up into that, ‘It can’t happen to me,’ mentality. And that can have some dangerous consequences. Corii Siren and I are going to bring you some issues that have cropped up and whether you are new to this business or a seasoned professional we ask that you listen in because your security is of utmost importance.   We’ll also be discussing changes you can make to keep yourself safer. I personally have stories you need to hear from past ladies who have been stalked and present ladies who have been murdered. This isn’t sensationalism; I wish it was, unfortunately its fact.  So am I telling you them to scare you? 100%. Cause you should be scared if you’re not taking this seriously.  But we’ll also be discussing changes you can make to keep yourself safer so it’s not all gloom and doom. Look I know for some of you the term ‘sex worker’ is off-putting but like it or not that’s what we all are. From Dommes to cam g