Rail The Berm

Episode 244: Kookie



On this episode, Josh Smith commits a fashion faux pas at the TRA Double Cross race. Colin and Brad argue over pumping and goofing off. Lastly, The Tangent Pro Am Series brings you Australian Superclass state series results. Rail The Berm Website (https://www.railtheberm.com/) RTB is full-factory sponsored by... Thrive Racing (https://thriveracing.com) RTB is co-factory sponsored by... The Catalyst Pedal (https://pedalinginnovations.com/) Listen To R.T.B On Amazon Alexa (https://www.amazon.com/Rail-Berm-Bicycle-Motocross-Show/dp/B0742QTH16/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2BJKKGQAQ4C6Q&keywords=rail+the+berm+the+bicycle+motocross+show&qid=1555861454&s=digital-skills&sprefix=Rail+T%2Caps%2C181&sr=1-1-spell)