Outdoor Adventures With Jayson

Ep 006: Jason Price of The Experience



I get to interview Jason Price of the YouTube hunting show The Experience. In this episode I was able to cover much of Jason’s background related to the show and his past hunting experience.   The show and website should launch soon, and you can catch clips on YouTube (https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC8UPrbYWptOa8zVQcpOopTQ) and go to The Experience Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/The-Experience-165870343761010/?fref=ts) and on Instagram at The Experience TV (theexperience_tv).   Jason discusses some of his hunts that he has been on including the outfitters he has used. In Africa, he has hunted with Thaba MMoyo Safaris (http://www.thabammoyo.co.za), Alaska with Wade Renfro at Renfro’s Alaskan Adventures (http://www.renfroalaskanadventures.com) and in Turkey with Shikar Safaris (http://www.shikarsafaris.com).   Make sure to connect with Jason and stay tune to YouTube as Dan Catlin joins The Experience and the two hunters travel the globe bringing unique hunts that are then preserved by The Wildlife Gall