Brain Bitez

Bonus 3 - Unicorns?! We're Really Doing This?



In Celtic mythology the unicorn was a symbol of purity and innocence, as well as masculinity and power. Are the tales of dominance and chivalry associated with the unicorn true, why was it chosen as Scotland’s national animal, can you really buy a license to hunt one of these beasts and did someone really find An old unicorn Layer in North Korea? Find out all this and so much more. You listeners asked and we are going to deliver… as we discover the origins of this legend and dive into the mystical and magical for our 150 iTunes review bonus episode… today… on Brain Bitez. If you want to reach us click on one of these bad boys: Hey everyone… I just wanted to say thank you one more time for listening. If you like what you’ve heard, go and tell some friends… word of mouth is so huge in the podcast world! You know what else is helpful? Great reviews and follows on apps like itunes, Soundcloud, stitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts. So