Brain Bitez

Bonus 2 - Shadow People



Shadow people have been key figures in many legends from many cultures all around the world. From shadow people to the hatman these beings can take many forms… hell, there’s even been shadow cats. Do they really exist and if so what do they want? How did they get here? And Why do they always seem to want those around them to change their favorite pair of fruit of the looms? FInd out all this and more as we use this 100 iTunes review bonus episode to take a walk on the darker and creepier side of life (or should I say death) today on Brain Bitez. You can reach us at: I just wanted to say thank you one more time for listening. If you like what you’ve heard, go and tell some friends… word of mouth is so huge in the podcast world! You know what else is helpful? Great reviews and follows on apps like iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts. So if you have time go to iTunes… leave a review… hit some stars. Can I recommend