Brain Bitez

19 - Jeffrey Dahmer: The Milwaukee Cannibal



One of the nation's most notorious serial killers, Jeffrey Dahmer was born and raised in Bath Township, Ohio, a middle-class suburb of Akron. Dahmer had a job and a decent family. He seemed as normal as normal could be. That was Dahmer’s home was searched after a young man fled his apartment and flagged down a police car. An investigation revealed that the apartment contained the remains of 11 victims. The bodies had been dismembered, and Dahmer confessed that he not only had cooked and eaten some of the remains, but that he also tried to change several of his victims into mindless zombie sex slaves. Asked why he committed such heinous acts, Dahmer told police that he killed because he was "lonely" and did not want his victims to leave him. Is that really why he killed, mutilated and ate many of his victims? What brings a man to a mental place, where he no longer sees others as people and perceives them more as things, to do with however he sees fit? Stay tuned to find out as we once again dive deep into the