Brain Bitez

14 - NXIVM part 2: Secrets of the Sex Slaves



What type of torture does a sex cult slave go through? How dark, manipulative, and abusive does it’s leader and the group as a whole become? And what’s with all the Nazi talk?! You’re about to find out. So put on your pervert repellent, grab yourself some pepper spray, and let’s step through the vale to discover what has gone on behind the walls of this disturbing group… today… on Brain Bitez. If you want to reach the Brain Bitez team: Hey… I just wanted to say thank you one more time for listening. If you like what you’ve heard, go and tell some friends… word of mouth is so huge in the podcast world! You know what else is helpful? Great reviews and follows on apps like itunes, Soundcloud, stitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts. So if you have time go to itunes… leave a review… hit some stars. Can I recommend the fifth star on the list? The one on the far right. One other thing I wanted to mention is that if you wanted to give us a up