Brain Bitez

12 - Robert The Cursed Doll



Like last year... this holiday tail is going to have a more supernatural element to it. And like I said last year... It’s my way of paying homage to that holiday favorite hymn that sings about scary ghost stories... and tails of the glories of Christmases long, long ago. I’ve got to say... there is no glory to be had in today’s episode but there will be a haunting tail. If you’ve listened to previous episodes then you know that dolls unnerve me. Their cold glass eyes watching you no matter where you stand in the room. To many dolls are creepy and many people believe that Robert is the worst doll of them all. The reason for this is because some say Robert is truly haunted. He and his curse have been blamed for many things including job loss and divorce to more dangerous mishaps like car accidents and broken bones. He might have even killed a person, and due to these facts the little monster may have been the inspiration for Chucky from the Child’s Play franchise. Are evil spirits to blame for all this? Is vood