Brain Bitez

6 - Uncovering The Lizzie Borden Axe Murders



Shortly before noon on August 4, 1892, the body of Andrew Borden, a prosperous businessman, was found in the parlor of his Fall River, Massachusetts, home. As neighbors, police and doctors arrived at the scene, the body of Abby Borden, his wife, was discovered in an upstairs bedroom. A week later, Andrew’s younger daughter, Lizzie, was arrested for the double murder. In an era when women were considered the “weaker” sex and female murderers were nearly unheard of, the trial—and subsequent acquittal—of Lizzie Borden made her a media sensation. Officially, the case remains unsolved, but Lizzie Borden may very well have taken an ax and ended her parents’ lives on that sweltering summer day. It doesn’t matter if you are getting work done around the house, pretending to get work done at the office, or just wanting to take a break from some hard studying… Its time to feed your mind. Its time for Brain Bitez. Quote: “I did not see his face, because he was all covered with blood.” - a quote from Lizzie Andrew Borden