Brain Bitez

5 - How Abraham "BoS" Lincoln Went From The Farm House To The White House



To start off the new year with some inspiration lets look at a man who lacked connections, charisma, good looks, a formal education, and yet became one of the greatest men in American history. Famously born in a one-room cabin to uneducated farmer parents, Abraham Lincoln’s rise to the Presidency has long been the stuff of legend. Lincoln was almost entirely self-educated; he received only 18 months of formal schooling. He offset this disadvantage by voraciously consuming any book he could get his hands on. At age 22, Lincoln packed his meager belongings and paddled out on his own. He taught himself the law and became a successful attorney and state legislator in Illinois. He eventually wins the presidency and the rest is history. Abraham “Balls of Steel” Lincoln went on to guide America through her darkest and stormiest hour. It doesn’t matter if your working on your new years resolutions, working out at the gym, or skipping out on that morning jog. It’s time to feed your mind. It’s time for Brain Bitez. Quo