Brain Bitez

3 - Alcatraz Pt 2 The History and Hauntings



Imagine if you were stuck on an island with the belief that there was no escape. Scared? No. Okay. Now imagine you were a prisoner stuck in an inescapable fortress where you will never see or here from the outside world. Scared yet? Alright, now imagine that at any given time a spirit that has already killed one person in this fortress, has the freedom to walk this island and terrorize you whenever they want. Remember... there is nowhere for you to run and hide. Welcome to Alcatraz. Where you don’t only have to worry about the living inmates but the dead ones as well. So enjoy some freedom and experience some possible fear as we look at the rocky history of this cold island and dive into the hauntings still happening today on this chilling and secluded episode. It doesn’t matter if you working at your job, at home or your just chillin’ out. It is time to feed your mind. Its time for BRAIN BITEZ. Episode quote: “It’s mighty good to get up and leave. This Rock ain’t good for nobody.” –Frank Weatherman, the last