Em Pulse

High sensitivity troponins: who, what, where, when, why, and how



High sensitivity troponins are taking over the nation are you ready? Dr. Bryn Mumma is ready and in this heartbeat she shares what we need to know to be ready!  Are you using high sensitivity troponins? How is it going? Let’s continue the conversation on social media @empulsepodcast or at ucdavisem.com. Please subscribe and rate us on iTunes – it helps us reach more people!  Host: Dr. Julia Magaña, Assistant Professor of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at UC Davis Guest: Dr. Bryn Mumma (bemumma@ucdavis.edu [bemumma@ucdavis.edu], Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at UC Davis Resources:  Twerenbold, R, Boeddinghaus J. Clinical Use of High-Sensitivity Cardia Troponin in with Suspected Myocardial Infarction.  JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY. VOL. 70, NO. 8, 2017  (http://www.onlinejacc.org/content/accj/70/8/996.full.pdf) Email Dr. Bryn Mumma to get our protocol (bemumma@ucdavis.edu) Boeddinghaus J, Twerenbold R, et al. Clinical Use of a New High-Sensitivity Cardiac Tr