Iron Crew Podcast

A Test That Predicts Life Expectancy, Mindset Practices for Overcoming Obstacles in Life, Why Aerobic Capacity is the Most Important Part of Fitness, & How to Eat Properly During the 2020 CrossFit Open Season



Week That Was!  Danny discusses a mindset technique that world class divers use to overcome obstacles.  He also explains how he knows so much about mobility, a simple way to find out how long you will live, and why aerobic capacity is the basis for all athletic performance.  Finally, Danny shares his insight on how to eat properly during the 5-week 2020 CrossFit Open Season.  Here is where you can find each segment in case you want to skip around.  Enjoy! :27 - Free T Shirt Giveaway! 3:03 - Week That Was supported by Kingsfield Fitness, use “ironcrew” discount code for 20% off a 4-speed vibrating foam roller! 4:53 - How to use mindset to overcome obstacles in your life and in athletic performance 11:09 - Danny explains how he knows so much about mobility  15:26 - A simple way to find out life expectancy with a sit and stand test 19:39 - Why aerobic capacity is the most important part of your success as an athlete, and how to implement it into your training 28:01 - Listener Question: How to eat during the 2020