Listening Studio Colorado

National Coming Out Day



This week, I am in between scheduled interviews and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to just say hello and take a few moments to chat with you. So this time - it's just you and me.  Today is National Coming Out Day... an annual LGBTQ awareness day that started in the United States in 1988, the original idea was grounded on the most basic form of activism being coming out to family, friends and colleagues, and living life as an openly LGBT person. The concept is that homophobia thrives in an atmosphere of silence and ignorance, and that once people know that they have loved ones who are LGBTQ+, they are far less likely to maintain homophobic or oppressive views. If you are listening to this podcast and you are considering coming out, please know that there are people out there who have been through what you are going through now. There are so many resources out there in the LGBTQ community that can help you. You DO have the support of others in the LGBT community.  If you are an LGBTQ youth and