Occultists Anonymous

Episode 12: Magical Girls' Night



After summoning a Moira of Death and Fate, Wyrd the Seer is confronted with an important question. Is she even worthy of the knowledge that she seeks? Should she answer wrong, things could go very poorly for her. The Awakening is when a mundane mortal, a Sleeper, has the truth of the real world, the Supernal, revealed to them. It is traumatic and intense, and thereafter, they are one of the Wise, the Mages, living in the Fallen World, surrounded by the Lie. They strive to learn more, to bend reality to their will, to call forth creatures of the Underworld at a whim, or delve into the souls of others to learn their dark secrets. Support the show by joining our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OccultistsAnonymous Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/OccultistsA Join us on Discord: discord.gg/vVWXMsD Get the Book. Play the Game: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/181754/Mage-the-Awakening-2nd-Edition?affiliate_id=723048 Intro Music: LuIzA - Chrono Trigger "...And in Her Self-Loathing and Despair, She