Major Insight

How to Become a Local Civic Leader | Ep.6



For Charles Kennick, there are no boundaries between campus life and community life. During his time at Miami, Charles has become a leading advocate of student voice in all town-gown relations. He has served as the chair for the City of Oxford Student Community Relations Commission, as the Secretary for Off-Campus Affairs in the Associated Student Government, as a 3-time president of Miami’s chapter of College Democrats, and more. On this episode, Charles explains how to become civically engaged in your local campus community, the benefits of having a strong alumni base, and a career in public administration. Featured Majors:  Anthropology, Public Administration, Political Science, History Featured Internships: Greater Cleveland Transit Authority, Ohio Public Leaders Featured Organizations: The City of Oxford Student Community Relations Commission, Miami’s Parking and Transportation Board, The Associated Student Government, Miami’s chapter of College Democrats, Armstrong Student Center Board  Music: “Only Kno