OFF RCRD with Cory Levy

17 | JAMES HONG - Founder of HotOrNot



This week, Cory speaks to entrepreneur and investor James Hong, who is best known for having founded fun viral project turned multi-million dollar dating property HotOrNot. He’s also an active angel investor and has invested in more than 80 startups. In this weeks episode, James talks experiencing virality back when it was rare, the importance of understanding peoples motives when designing products, the drastic differences in scaling today vs 2000’s, what it was like turning down multi-million dollar offers to then selling his company for more than he’d ever imagined and fast forward to today where James talks about trying to juggle being a founder and parenting. “YOU CAN ONLY COME UP WITH OUT OF THE BOX SOLUTIONS IF YOU’RE ACTUALLY WILLING MENTALLY TO BE OUT OF THE BOX AND DIFFERENT.” James Hong (@JHong) is an entrepreneur turned investor. James and several co-founders started Hot or Not in 1999, a website that let users rate user-submitted pictures. “Today, you see pictures of people all over the place, on