Babani Records

Babani Records Showcase • SEP 2018 • Le Melltron



Selectors: Avneesh + Joachim Live: Kersley Sham + Stew Bamrah An unexpected seduction. An instinctive call where it is impossible to resist percussive and bewitching melodies. Babani is the state of trance reached during a ceremony invoking ancestors’ spirits leading to a multigenerational gathering with a common denominator: The rhythms of the Indian Ocean helped by the ravane, this percussion instrument made of goat skin and which has its roots on the island of Mauritius. Babani Records is the music label bringing together a collective of artists from around the world connected by a universal goal of fusing electronic sounds and music from the islands of the Indian Ocean. Electronic beats and sound waves blend with traditional rhythms. It is a natural connection with the past with an eye on the future!