Latin American Perspectives

Environmental Violence in Mexico



Title: Environmental Violence in Mexico Issue #: 204  | Volume #: 42 | Number #: 5 Date: September 2015 Interviewer: Tomas Ocampo Interviewees: Nemer E. Narchi Short Description: This issue analyzes the outcomes of the neoliberal restructuring of Mexico in socio-environmental terms. In doing so, the featured articles rely on the critical lenses of political ecology and political economy to show how individual capitals and policy makers use the political, economic and constabulary forces to create asymmetries that will allow for capital accumulation while creating social injustice and environmental degradation. The issue also features the application of natural selection to the issue of sustainability; highlights the consequences of transforming nature into property; criticizes the legitimacy of human rights policies; questions the violence of representing nature; and deals with environmental violence not only as structural but as a direct and brutal kind of violence used for legitimizing neoliberal restruc