Latin American Perspectives

Urban Latin America: Part 2: Planning Latin American Cities: Dependencies and “Best Practices”



Urban Latin America: Part 2: Planning Latin American Cities: Dependencies and “Best Practices” Issue #: 213  | Volume #: 44  | Number #: 2 Date: March 2017 Interviewer: Tomas Ocampo Interviewees: Tom Angotti and Clara Irazábal Short Description: Urban planning in Latin America reflects the historic dependencies and inequalities of peripheral capitalism. These were amplified by recent neoliberal reforms in housing, transportation and social policy. This issue looks critically at urban reforms in these areas, the role of social movements and the emergence of “best practices” including social urbanism, bus rapid transit, bicycle infrastructure, and participatory budgeting, with more to come in the next LAP issue. LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES is a theoretical and scholarly journal for discussion and debate on the political economy of capitalism, imperialism, and socialism in the Americas. For more than forty years, it has published timely, progressive analyses of the social forces shaping contemporary Latin