Latin American Perspectives

Democracy, Repression, and the Defense of Human Rights



Title: Democracy, Repression, and the Defense of Human Rights Issue #: 216  | Volume #: 44  | Number #: 5 Date: September 2017 Interviewer: Tomas Ocampo Interviewees: William Avilés and Leila Celis Short Description: In the 1990s Barry Gills, Joel Rocamora, and Richard Wilson directly challenged the democratic-transitions literature by introducing the model of “low-intensity democracy” a largely procedural democracy that allows political opposition, greater individual freedoms, a reduced institutional role for the armed forces, and a more permeable environment for the investments of transnational capital. LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES is a theoretical and scholarly journal for discussion and debate on the political economy of capitalism, imperialism, and socialism in the Americas. For more than forty years, it has published timely, progressive analyses of the social forces shaping contemporary Latin America.