Makom Israel Teachers Lounge

134 - The Israeli School System: What's working and what isn't?



Sometimes, feedback to our podcast takes us by surprise. Several listeners couldn't understand why we listed problems with Israel's schools as something that troubled voters. Well, People of the Book have waited a long time to get our state back, and we need to get our national school system working right. So we decided to devote an episode to explaining the evolution, successes and challenges of our educational infrastructure. To do that, we invited an expert in the field of education and school building, Rabbi Dr. Barry Kislowicz. Mike interviews him to get to the bottom of what we're getting right, and what we aren't. Mike walked out much more informed, and even more optimistic, about Israeli schools. Join us! Barry Kislowicz's Book This episode was recorded at the amazing Ben Wallick Studios. Ben is the best! JU Israel Teachers Lounge is a weekly podcast produced by Matt Lipman, and hosted by Michael Unterberg and Alan Goldman. Please subscribe, listen to more episodes, and let us know what you think! We