Making Disciples with Robby Gallaty

#64: How To Gain Disciplemaking Momentum For The Fall



In this episode of the Making Disciples Podcast, Robby and Chris talk about how to restructure your church's calendar into mini-seasons instead of waiting until January to start new things. In This Episode, You’ll Discover: Why you shouldn't only think about January as the place to start new things. How to segment your church calendar year with how people live their lives. How to promote discipleship from the pulpit. Shareable Quotes (#MakingDisciplesPodcast): "It's very difficult for people to get motivated about a 12 month sermon study." - @rgallaty "How do you get your people off the bench and into discipling relationships?" - @rgallaty "What you celebrate from the pulpit is what people will cultivate." - @rgallaty "The goal is to assimilate people into smaller relationships where they are in an environment to grow in their relationship with Christ." @rgallaty "Baptism is not the finish line, but it's the starting line of a relationship with Christ" - @rgallaty