Making Disciples with Robby Gallaty

#10 Why Isn’t Disciplemaking Working In My Church?



In this episode, Chris and Robby discuss why disciplemaking isn’t working in some churches. 00:00: What is disciplemaking? 01:15: What is discipleship? 02:00: Discipleship is more than a class 03:00: Discipleship doesn’t happen by accident 03:30: Can you disciple an unbeliever? 06:00: Accountability is key 07:45: Replication is critical 09:00: Churches face difficulty in balancing evangelism and discipleship 11:30: How much are in you investing in evangelism vs discipleship with your budget? 15:00 Taking an inventory of the “success” of your big events 17:00 We’re preaching half the gospel 17:45 Do you need life-groups if you are doing D-Groups?