Javascript to Elm

Elixir Phoenix Plugs



The layout and details Routes / root of the app will eventually be an aggregate of incoming from Micro.Blog + our own feed (maybe) /profile ‘Settings’ this is where we’ll be able to add targets for our re-posting feature ‘echo’ add token keys and incorporate 3rd party API’s /profile/posts list of current users posts /posting this is the ‘editor’ with fields for title and content Successful ‘post’ returns the user to an updated list of posts Authorization now that we have authentication out of the way. Let’s deal with only that user can post to that users account. Just do it already! MB:postit> mix phx.gen.html Posting Post posts title:string content:text * creating lib/postit_web/controllers/post_controller.ex * creating lib/postit_web/templates/post/ed