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Elm In the Spring Videos are up LINK Announcing Elm UI-Explorer I was gonna steer clear of this topic after initially reading the post by Chris Gregori Elm and why its not quite ready yet , and the follow up by Lucas Payr How Can the Elm Coummity Imporve , but it sort of festered on my mind, which listening to this reason behind this weeks tardy release. I have another episode in the cooker, one that was a lot more fun to work on, but there was something about this open conversation that I just can’t shake. There is no answer here, only those searching That’s my disclaimer. Summary I think both articles from Chris and Lucas where thoughtful, articulate and constructive. I didn’t get any sense of trolling, flaming, or even so much as a hint of rudeness. Chris wrote on article titled ‘Elm and Why it’s Not Quite Ready Yet’ where he outlines several points that he believes makes Elm, as the title suggests, not ready for prime time. To be fair, he does list a fair amount of good points and things that he lik