Javascript to Elm

69: Stack Docker Adventure



Serverless Call it whatever you want. I just like the lack of sysAdmin work there is to do. That being said. I just recently spent a silly amount of time self hosting a wordpress instance bc I wanted fine grain control. With serverless, I still have control over the pieces I care about, and don’t have to worry about the rest. Meow Notes API is all serverless. And Even from a ‘cold’ start it’s pretty snappy. Setup Stack with using the build in docker support MB:lambda-haskell> stack install aws-lambda-haskell-runtime Wait progress 2 of 110 ?!? This is when I need to remember that I spend my days waiting for npm to resolve 800 something packages to start a NEW project in JS. Also mad props to the npm team for their thankless hustle and work these past years. I’ve benefited. Convinced this was not a good idea. So I added it to the extra deps like the docs say to