Javascript to Elm

58: Getting Haskell Unit 1



Unit 1 Functions Haskell does not allow side effects Must return a value Interesting that you can’t do x++ because every time you do it on the same assigned variable, the output is different! variables as definitions REPL, GHCi, and let up intil 8.0 this is related to referential transparence First-class Functions and Lexical Scope lambda functions, anonymous functions. functions as variables functions as arguments, as return values A tuple is like a list, but can contain multiple types and is a fixed size! Sorting with compare. Haskell gives us GT, LT, and EQ. While JS gives us True or False Closures / Partial Application Closure is the the idea of ‘capturing’ values to dynamically create functions based on pervious arguments. Capturing a value inside of a lambda function, that often returns a function, is refereed to as a closure. Partial application takes this idea and applies to all functions. If you call a function, but do not give it all the parameters that function takes, Haskell will by defa