Javascript to Elm

33: Stay in Production



Update to Prod isAuthenticated not updating oh so SOMEONE hardcoded true to the incoming update case for isAuthenticated! So we had only sort of build the JS Interop stuff, we didn’t really see it all the way through! sendData({ tag: "IsAuthenticated", data: this.props.isAuthenticated }); Then just ignoring it. D’oh IncomingData Union Type where UpdateAuth is now Result and String or Bool This is because we need to decode the incoming JSON payload and make sure it is what what we say it is, or we need Result to Err, instead of OK. type IncomingData = NotesLoaded (Result String (List Note)) | UpdateAuth (Result String Bool) onCLick events pushing history without react components ugh, so I have meaningfully avoided this for a while now and I thought I was ramping up to face it head on last week with a look at routing. So, with help from friend of the show, we probably want to handle routing last. Let react router Dom handle it BUT we need to be able to trigger a route change from Elm. So a