Javascript to Elm

27: State of Elm



Status of Meow Notes current customers will soon, very very soon, be able to once again click on a list item and have the app direct you to your know, and also making a return will be the button to add a new note. Thank you for your patients. lol State of Elm Let’s start with State of Elm 2017 Started to get feedback for creating Elm-conf 2016 - 614 2017 - 1,170 2018 - 3,000 is my guess People are staying in Elm, from 0-1 year, to 1-2 roughly the same * Part 1 you “What is your level of experience with functional programming?” mmmmm, beginner? I feel like there is a giant gap between my knowledge in JS and OOP, and my knowledge in FP. So I gave myself a 3 “What is your level of experience with functional programming?” JS, Swift, Objective-C “Where do you go for Elm news and discussion?” Elm subreddit Elm Discourse Twitter Discussions elm-dev Mailing List the Elm Slack Blog Posts Podcasts (Elm Town, JavaScript to Elm) Facebook Groups HOLY COW we made the list!!!!!! “What resources di