Javascript to Elm

23: Bouncing Back



  Special Thanks to all the listeners I want to thank everyone who reached out Special shout out to Peter Jang Where to go from here ? So, after getting the show out, I did not even look in the general direction of JS to Elm for the rest of the week, which is pretty unusual. For the most part, I chip away at it over the course of the week, read, shore up the notes, record, let that simmer for a day or so, edit it,and often have a spare day before it’s release. Not this week. Nope. For a couple reasons: I did not want to admit that the start to my super duper awesome project, had stuffered a major set back before ever getting off the ground. I would have to face the glaring fact, that I have not retained, learned, absorbed, or internalized nearly as much as I thought about Elm, Types, and functional programming in general. With points 1 and 2, where do I go from here? Rediscovered Empathy for beginners Retooling my own learning Onward and upward as the saying goes. Regaining confidence Let’s pick a proj