Javascript to Elm

4: Rendering HTML



News and updates Attended a workshop by Micheal Jackson of React Training, creator of react-router v4 Keep learning and doing Rendering HTML HTML elements that we are used to like div, img, h1 take exactly 2 arguments the first is a list of attributes the second is list of child nodes if there is no attributes or child nodes we provide an empty list [] div [ class "content" ] [ h1 [] [ text "Photo Groove" ] , div [ id "thumbnails" ] [ img [ src "" ] [] , img [ src "" ] [] , img [ src "" ] [] ] ] Import, it’s kinda like JS We use the html library, may be surprised it’s not part of the core library. If you look at things in our JS ecosystem, react & angular. They had moved towards a lean core lib, and extend that will specific libs. Like pulling out propTypes or when angular pulled out the router, bc everyone used ui-router. Like JS import { Component }, rather t