Javascript to Elm

2: Expressions and Function



News and updates reach out, send a message to me on twitter @jstoelm Elm Conf thank Greg and Jason, the amazing guys over at Dawn of the Dev for all their work in educating, helping, and promoting new developers from all walks of life into our fantastic community. Expressions Using the elm-repl (read, evaluate, print, loop) Building with ‘+’ for numbers and ‘++’ for strings No ability to add numbers and strings, ‘+’ only for numbers. sweet. “hello “ ++ “world” “hello world” : String –output “Double quotes in Elm represent string literals, just like in JavaScript, but single quotes in Elm represent character literals.” Comments using – instead of // and for blocks {- -} instead of using /* */ like in JS. And you’ll hear me do this sort of comparison a lot through this process of learning Elm. I want to relate it to something that I know, but I hope that I can tie it into something that you might be familiar with. Math, yep it works the same. Assigning constants The equal sign, or assignment operator =