Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

144. Four Ways to Destroy Someones' Will Power



4 ways to Breaking Someone’s Will Power   I would like to share a fundamental truth about winning or achievement or even doing anything to the best of your ability. There seems to be a distinct difference between what some groups profess will accomplish excellence. The difference is so dramatic, so clearly off the mark I thought it an opportunity to shed some light here.   I know that every child is born wanting to explore, wanting to learn, and wanting to survive. The built in desire to survive, although many may not thing it important, is the key factor in success throughout life. Perhaps that is the real spark that when fed causes greatness.   The spark to survive obviously takes a different shape the older the child becomes. Once the child gets the basic needs met, all children immediate explore, want more, and want to get better.   Here is when and what I would like to share with you. I would like to show you how to break someone’s will power or crush someone’s ability to succeed. This works for kids, ne