Sacred Shamanic Pathways With Eddie Mullins

Experiencing Heart Spiral Presence



The Eddie Mullins Podcast. Today's podcast is published and ready for listening 24/7.  Today's conversation is on experiencing heart spiral presence. How your life and world changes when you embrace the presence of the heart spiral. We will explore what it means to move from the ego into activating the heart experience and messages from spirit animals owl and mountain goat.  The podcast begins with an opening heart centering meditation.  The Eddie Mullins Podcast, is a conversation about initiating in and through your true nature of the enlightened heart and soul. All of nature and presence is alive and that aliveness is inside of you. Eddie Mullins is a spiritual and shamanic teacher, shamanic sage healing guide, spiritual mentor of Soul Navigating, and a sound weaver. Soul Navigating Mentoring with Eddie View Eddie’s Website View Instagram VIew FaceBook View