Garden Chat

The Garden Chat with Sandy Munro - 19 October 2019



Fine Music Radio — I would guess that many proud homeowners are attempting to get their lawns back into prime condition. After our good rains maybe it’s just a matter of keeping them looking good We all know that lawns need a lot of water and attention to look perfect. The question is will we always have enough water? The weather might be kind to us for a few seasons but the chances are we land up in trouble when extended dry periods come around again. Whether you have a borehole or not, we cannot afford to water lawns unless they are very small or made up of waterwise species that can do with the absolute minimum. What is the alternative if we don’t want large areas of bare earth which in turn contribute to mo re evaporation, unwanted weed growth and in some cases a potential dust bowl. FMR GARDEN CHAT SCRIPT - 19 OCT 2019.pdf — PDF (157.2 KB)