Feed Your Soul with Kim

26: Candy is Not Bad



It's painful when you cannot stop overeating, you feel bad about yourself and your life.Each Monday, join Kim McLaughlin, as she helps you find peace with food and feed your soul.If you want to put food in its proper place, as nourishment, and increase your satisfaction in life - this podcast is for you.In this episode, we talk about candy and how we have demonized it. It's something we have been told is bad and should be avoided. What about if we all made peace with candy? In this podcast we discuss:The ways we have bought into the idea that candy is bad.Why thinking candy is bad actually makes us want it more.Come away ways to look at candy differently.Here are the three questions introduced as a doable...•Notice the anxiety you have around sugar.•Notice how you have restricted sugar and you still want it.•Wonder what a peaceful relationship with sugar might look like.Discover a new way of looking at candy by joining the Feed Your Soul Community. Join for free:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1172