Body Of Christ Radio Network

Pharmacist Refuses Abortion Medicine



Abortion is a politically charged, socially controversial subject that can at times separate friends and family.  Strong feelings and beliefs reside on both sides of this topic.  Somewhere in the middle are those that appear to not understand what all the fuss is about. Well there is a Michigan Pharmacist that obviously stands against abortion in all instances.  He refused to dispense an abortion medicine although the customer had a prescription.  Her doctor prescribed the medicine to force the birth of her deceased fetus. Of course if you are politically “Pro-Choice” the Pharmacist is wrong in your eyes.  However, some that are “Pro-Life” may have a difficult time siding with the Pharmacist.  This is a very confusing situation.  To gain clarity, in this show, the word of God will be consulted for a decision of right or wrong regarding this situation and abortion overall. Please feel free to phone into the Virtual Living room with your comments or questions.  We air programs on Blog Talk Radio at the follo