Don Woods

It's all Rock n Roll to Don



The BBC have received some criticism regarding their broadcasts from outside Parliament with protesters shouting out around them and waving banners across the screen....the question was asked as to why they do not interview politicians in a studio instead of giving publicity to brainless protesters....and as usual their answer was "because that is how we have always done it"...which is supposed to make it alright......a perfect example was the climate change protester standing on the top of a train making his point....the people's answer was top drag him off the roof and stick the boot in.....not that I condone that but.... I have been watching the rugby world cup which has been somewhat addictive....England were magnificent and the Wales France game was a classic and as I have always said we want WINNERS in sport....not those who "did well to get so far"... Harry and Meghan are back in the news....they are not happy with the constant intrusion into their lives by the media....with poor Meghan not really r