Starseed Radio Academy

Return 2 Joy!



MaryAiñe Curtis is a Holistic Therapist, Visionary, Personal Guide, and Temple Guide in training with the 13 Moon Mystery School. She offers quantum leaps to assist you with deep personal growth. She has helped thousands of clients since 1996 in her sacred space known as Return 2 JOY!  MaryAiñe's life experiences and trauma led to deep depression as a young mother.  A mid-life soul call, astrologically verified, validated a giant leap of faith. Questing returned her to roots of spiritual guidance, soul coaching, Reiki and massage; learning  methods that helped her take her life back.   Instead of being rough and tough in her former world of men as a Jill-of-all-trades, she now works in the gentler feminine world of healing the whole body from damage accumulated in our matriarchal lineage. “No one told me it wasn't my fault.  A haunting insidious belief that “I was damaged goods” filled me.  Unseen feelings run your life. Shame and guilt were the cornerstones keeping me small."  Activating soul memories and pu