Behind The Breakthroughs

Annette's Vignette IX



This is the first vignette of the season and in this episode Dr. Annette Nunez and Maylene Johnson chat about a client who ran his first 5K and placed third in his age group. They discuss all his aggressive behaviors while he was attending a public school and how many professionals refused to work with him because of his aggression. When Dr. Nunez and her team began to homeschool this client and didn't let his autism define what he could and could not do, this client began to soar. The whole point of this vignette is to remind parents and professionals to never use autism as an excuse of why a child acts a certain way, why they behavior out, or why they can't do something. When you create a team of people that believe in a child, they can and will accomplish anything! IN THIS EPISODE: MINDSHIFT (takeaways) 1. Keep going. No matter what happens as long as you keep going you are headed in the right direction. 2. Believe in your child and find a team that believes in your child.