Journal Theory

Disordered Eating, Body Image & Learning How to Accept Where You Are with Katherine Orcutt



Personal Growth, Trust, Disordered Eating, Depression, Kegels, Frozen Yogurt, Chakras, and Hypnosis- this is just a snippet of what Katherine Orcutt  and I chat about in today’s episode. I haven’t had this much fun recording for the Journal Theory Podcast in a long time! Katherine and I have been in each other’s lives for about 5 years and what started as a workplace connection has quickly turned into a close friendship. Katherine and I have walked a similar path, particularly when it comes to our careers and personal growth, but she’s got her own story to share and today we dive into how she faced her disordered eating habits and has been growing into a woman who accepts and honors herself as she is right now. Listen to the Full Episode to get all the Goods! Join the Community on Facebook! Make a BOLD decision to transform. Want More Goodies to Use in your Every Day Life? Enjoy more Journal Theory with Workbooks, Printable Planners, and Journal Templates on Etsy! Want to Work with Me? Book a Free Call! Get y