Don Thomas Ii

Self Love



As society has advanced in technology we have gotten more disconnected with each other & ourselves. As people our values are in the gutter and we don't take the time to really get in tuned with ourselves anymore. We let society deem what is good and bad for us, we jump from relationship to relationship not really spending time learning ourselves. I created this episode because I value spending time alone and really pouring into & learning myself. A lot of people simply don't know how to be alone and for me I've been alone most of my life, even when i was with someone i have never met anyone that has measured up or met me even close to how i am with myself. So when i talk about self love i just speak from a place of understanding the value of loving thyself and really the value of treating your self how you would want others to treat you. I often get called cocky/or full of myself because i love myself , but i take it as, If i don't love me & treat myself the best way i can, then how will i expect