Lean For Life

Breaking Habits



We are all creatures of habit. Up to 90% of our behaviours are said to be habitual and automatic. The way we eat, the way we exercise, the way we feel about our bodies, think about them and look are mostly a result of our daily habits. If we want to change any pattern, result, behaviour, emotion or thought in our lives then it’s crucial that we understand our habits and how they can be changed. In this episode we look at the way we form habits and strategies to help you know how to break old ones and create new ones that will lead you right to your goal!Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirstenjones.com.au