Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 3-Episode 5 – Thomas Hatsis



Thomas Hatsis is a historian of psychedelia, witchcraft, magic, pagan religions, alternative Christianities, and the cultural intersection of those areas, who holds a master’s degree in history from Queens College. The author of The Witches’ Ointment and Psychedelic Mystery Traditions, he runs, a site dedicated to promoting the latest and best information pertaining to the Psychedelic Renaissance. He lives in Portland, Oregon. In this interview Rudolf and Thomas, after a first introduction of the author and his background, start by defining certain terms often used in the context, like the difference between psychedelia and entheogens.  Hereafter they talk about certain time periods in history and the use of psychoactive substances within them, like the early centuries C.E. (Gnostisicm), Ancient Greece, Middle Ages and Renaissance etc. Also the influence of ethnobiology on the research is discussed. Discover for yourself!