Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 2-Episode 5 – Tracey Rollin



Tracey Rollin was born and raised in New Mexico.She grew up surrounded by a culture within a culture. Her own mother is a German immigrant and a devout Catholic, and she raised her in the ways and traditions of her people. Tracey's childhood memories are just as full of stories of Thor and Freya as they are of stained glass church windows! She also enjoyed being surrounded by my warm and friendly Hispanic friends, many of whom were recent Mexican immigrants. Their mothers accepted her quickly into their extended families, calling her “mija” (shortened from the Spanish “mi hija,” which means “my daughter”) and telling the same stories that they told their own children.Tracey feels lucky to have grown up surrounded by two so different – and in their own ways, so similar – cultures. Rudolf talks to Tracey about her background and her recent book which surveys Santa Muerte as an aspect of the dark feminine, the bringer of death that Is crucial to all life. This perspective is surveyed through the lens of Santa M