

A few years ago I came across a game on my phone all about starting businesses. First it's selling lemonade until you've made enough money to sell newspapers and then you work your way up until you're running banks and oil companies. It was fun. Pointless. A harmless way to kill a few minutes when I was waiting for my coffee to brew or whatever. The problem, though, was that the game was linked to real-world time. When you put the game down for an hour and came back to it, an hour's worth of lemonade had sold. A couple of taps later and you've multiplied the amount you're making per hour, which of course incentivizes you to come back as often as possible. On top of that, the game gives you all sorts of milestones and achievements to shoot for and constantly gives you new twists and upgrades every time you're about to lose interest. "Oh, I can start businesses on the moon now!" It didn't take long for me to become hopelessly addicted.