Geeks Interrupted

Mozilla Blocks Flash, 10 Years Of Podcasts & Amy Schumer's Sexy Star Wars Pics | Episode 115



Phil Edwards, Andy Blume and Daniel Olivares are back in the studio with this week's look at all things Geek. Show Notes: Taxi Commission ambushes UberX driver inside Melbourne courtroom [The Age] 'No hesitation' using Uber service, WA Premier says [ABC News] Labor will abandon its FTTP NBN policy [Delimiter] Traditionalist Abbott keeps BlackBerry as PM's department prefers iPhone [ZDNet] Mozilla blocks Flash as Facebook security chief calls for its death [The Verge] Someone spoofed Bloomberg's website and a fake article made Twitter's stock soar [VentureBeat] Spam email rate falls below 50 percent for first time in a decade [PCWorld] Google Is Hiring An SEO Manager To Improve Its Rankings In Google [Search Engine Land] Apple Launches A8-Based iPod Touch With 8MP Camera, Adds New Nano and Shuffle Colors [MacRumors] Apple celebrates #10YearsOfPodcasts on iTunes [iMore] Apple reportedly joins talks with cell providers to launch new 'e-SIM' cards [9to5Mac] Neil Young is yanking songs from streaming, 'the worst