Scale Or Die

Product Launch 3: Building a Founder-Led Sales Process



Founder and sales rep? How does that combo sound? This week I put on my sales hat as we built out a sales process for our 2 new products. I want to share with you the 3 key thoughts I’ve had while building out our sales process: I’m a huge believer that if you want to learn something fast, hire someone that knows it better than you. So I hired a sales coach! Early in our sales process, we are solely focusing on demos and calls. We purposefully avoided building out a pricing structure. In this episode, I’ll explain my rationale for each of these decisions as well an update on our progress getting this two products to market. Come on the journey as I share all of my thoughts from the last week. And as always, reach out to me, with what you liked, what you hated, and any questions you have! Liking Founder Friday? Have an idea for a topic you'd like us to cover? Tweet at Dave — or shoot him an email at & tell us your thoughts! We're excited to have you along for Season 1